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Life's Voyage - Adulthood & The Unknown Page 3
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Promising a lifetime of happiness and love
A woman is the provider of wisdom to her love
Always has a solution to every problem with the grace of a dove
A woman is the bricks on which her family builds
With comfort it will forever be filled
A woman is the lullaby sung to a new-born child
With even the toughest times, she would have smiled
A woman is a being created with immense faith and care
Without a woman, this world will be stripped bare.
What is adulthood?
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
Many may answer with long lines of troubles and fears
Providing shelter for the ones you love and food
Burying your frustrations and wants in tears
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
Answer it with a cry of freedom and achievement
Stay away from the bad and only keep to the good
Working hours unsaid to pay the rent
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
Be it preparing to start a family or a career
Or teaching yourself to control your mood
Stay true to who you are and be sincere
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
It should be about decision making and belief
If only what the world holds could be understood
The choices you make will never deceive
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
Some may never come to terms with their fate
It is not something delivered as a packaged good
Once at adulthood, you can never go back through the gate
Ask yourself; what is adulthood?
Seeking lust and all that makes the world have its bad name
Let it burn, make a fire and burn the badness with wood
Do not make adulthood your personal play game
Ask yourself this question; what is adulthood?
Never will the full answer be revealed
It all depends on who and what you want to make of livelihood
Live it pure and live it right - this thing they call adulthood.
Stage 2
The Unknown
As time runs out
The clock chimes one and a child is born, innocent and beautiful
The clock chimes two and the first step and word in celebrated
The clock chimes three and the first sprouts of the mind comes to life
The clock chimes four and a burst of knowledge is brought upon this child
The clock chimes five and the twinkle of young love breaks the heart in pieces
The clock chimes six and time heals the scars to make way for new love
The clock chimes seven and a new life begins with love and life and hope
The clock chimes eight and the gift of life is given to the ones who love
The clock chimes nine and life takes a fast paced turn into knowing and not wanting
The clock chimes ten and age sets in to make way for more aches and pains
The clock chimes eleven and time slows down to give a last shove before it ends
The clock chimes twelve and the last breath escapes a life lived while the time runs out.
Death dress
With silk as white as the snow you will never see,
Death stands before me, her dress slithering around her.
With hair as black as the smoke you will never know,
Death stands before me, hair withering in the moulding breeze.
With eyes as hollow as the trees you will never sit under,
Death stands before me, penetrating my heart with all its might.
With hands as cold as the ice you will never taste,
Death stands before me, burning its coldness onto my skin.
With a tongue as sharp as a blade you will never cut with,
Death stands before me, slicing life from me, bit by bit.
With ears so eager to hear the last scream pass from my lips,
Death stands before me, listening for the ever present evil.
With shoes as hard as the steel you will never walk on,
Death stands before me, hitting the life from me.
With silk as soft as the clouds you will never float on,
Death stands before me, ready to take another bite from what is left of me.
Done for
It does not matter if I killed or if I loved
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I hated or if I loathed
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I lived in pain or if I lived in health
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I hid my feelings or shouted it out to the world
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I was abused or if I abused
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I regretted all my life’s decisions
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I went through life with eyes closed or eyes open
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I used my powers to gain trust or to misuse trust
The only thing left to say is, “I am done for.”
It does not matter if I leaned on you for help or if I helped myself
The only thing left to say is, I am done for.”
Eternal rest
Rest is not for the one who wants it but needs it.
The one who has lived life to its fullest may have this gift
The gift that sweeps down and takes your life in a swift.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal rest
Living is not a choice but a mere necessity.
To breathe life is not to take something that belongs to you
Life will only cast you to one side when it is through.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal life
Finding the purpose for your being on this earth.
Is not the ultimate gift that life can give
It asks of you to want, to need and to breathe.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal life
Bringing your sins to the altar of life to ask for forgiveness.
Does not make you inferior to life’s storms
It will still cast its bitterness on you in all forms.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal life
The oceans of life will not part for you if you are a mere soul.
Dwelling in the streets of bitterness
You will beg every day for that one bit of sweetness.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal life
Bring not all your baggage when your day has come.
Leave it behind and bring your soul
Bring to eternity your heart as a whole.
Only the ones who needs it most is granted eternal life
Fade away
In the stormy night I see you silhouette fade away into the darkness
Letting go of the life you hold and me, staying behind as just your mistress
The wind whispers the last words you say before you go
Darkness will overcome you and become my biggest foe
The last light in your eyes twinkle and then slowly fade away
Into what I will always remember to lead me astray
The life you lived was filled with all you could wish for
Now you must walk through the darkness to knock on death’s door
To wait for an answer and to wait for the door to welcome you in
Watching you fade away and wishing it was a sin
Wanting to run after you a
nd beg you to come back
The loneliness you leave me with is a great lack
To see your smile and hear your laugh is all I want
Is that a wish you will be able to grant?
Because to see you fade away to nothing
I still continue hoping
On the stars I will wish for you to return from the darkened hell
Keep you from the deep pit into which you once fell
Why would you fade away when I need you so?
Instead of fade away, please stay with me and grow…
Finally free
From the pain I have suffered from for so long
I am now going to a place where I belong
All the tears shed about me being so ill
I can finally cross over to the next hill
The pain I have caused by clinging to life for you
I saw the pain I have caused you too
I cast away the body I had to put up with
It was not true, yet another myth
To finally be free is all I can be
Is that not what you want to see?
With every person sitting beside my bed, waiting for the end
Wanting me to turn around the bend
I hold onto whatever strings life threw at me
All the while hoping to finally be free
I stay scared of what awaits me beyond the grave
Hoping one day that I will be able to save
The ones I love from the same fate
And show them the bigger and better great
With one last hope of becoming what you want me to be
I let go and can say that finally, I am free
Golden Years
Forever is a day and a day might be forever
Years might be golden or they could be bleak
One thing I will always remember
Sitting here in my old rocking chair
Is that the years that I lived was golden, streaked with rays of sun
Filled with love and fulfillment
Like the creak of the stair on the porch
Sound my bones as age takes control of my being
My body becomes the face of aging but my heart stays young
Once I dwell in the lush lands with the angels
I will remember what on earth I had
Only for a day, but a day could also be forever
Alone I will be no more, me and my old rocking chair
Fragile might my lifeline be, but happy I will stay
Until the day I say my last goodbye
For my years were great and my years were golden
One last memory escapes me as death stands at my door
Holding his talons for me to take
Delivering me to the angles above, singing to my arrival
Praising me for the life I have lived and the good I have done
Clapping to the hardships I endured with only one goal in mind
Finding my inner self and making my years golden
I rest forever now with the angels in heaven
For my years were great and my years were golden.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To never have to deal with the tears of what the world brings.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To dwell among the life and death with no scratch to bear.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To feel the breeze of the wind but not be affected by its cold.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To see the blood flow from my body but not feel the pain.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To fly with the birds and slither with the snakes.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To fear not death and the darkness that lurks in the world.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To carry my heart in my hands without it breaking with the slightest touch.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To hear the sound of crying but not let it affect me.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To drag my sins along with me until the sins are no more.
Show me what it means to be immortal
To be as hollow and helpless as the world wants us to forever be.
Life after life
Time may not have healed my place on this earth
Yet that is where I go, in a coffin I will sleep
And the earth will swallow my body
Breaking my lifeless body into pieces
To feed its hunger of flesh and blood
Time may not have healed my place on this earth
Yet you stand at my grave, grieving the loss of life
You give me to the earth, the earth that was my home
Inside my coffin I rest and wait
For the earth will soon see the new life
Time may not have healed my place on this earth
Yet it embraces the darkness my soul brings upon it
May you forever remember the one who took away the dark
And replaced it with light, light for your life
Never do you need to see, the dark I took from you
Time may not have healed my place on this earth
Yet time is all we used to have
Never did I think, the earth would take away my happiness
And replace it with the darkness I will now know for eternity
This darkness I will now know until the earth is no more
Time may not have healed my place on this earth
Yet I sacrifice myself to you, I stay faithful to my world
One day I will dwell among all those who did the same
Gave their lives to the leader of the world
This darkness I will now know until the earth is no more
Life to death
You loved me so much, yet you were the one to cut the life from me
You dreamt of a life together and then you made death my new home
Every breath I took was a breath nearer to my last one
Every step I took was a step nearer to my grave
You stood there with your eyes right upon me
You let the word come from your mouth, as you always lie
Every time I believed you and came running back into your arms
Every time I was expecting it to be different
You pulled me close and whispered in my ear
You told me of the love we shared that shook the world
Every word flowed through my heart and made it soft
Every single tear I shed your words dried up
You promise me a thousand tomorrows and so many more
You ask me to close my eyes and I wait
Every second that passes I believe that you are there
Every time I think I feel you right next to me
You pull my arms towards you and ask to keep my eyes closed
You slowly cut me open and watch the life flow from me
Every drop of blood tells of the life that you now took from me
Every drop of life now leads to my death
Looking back
Someday is one day that will never come
I see all that she has done for me without fail
I was taken from this world without the chance to say goodbye
Dragged to this pit of loneliness to decay
I look down and see her there; crying over what was once me
How will I ever touch her soft lips of feel her gentle hands?
When you have ripped me from the spot I needed to be.
Looking back at what could have been but never was
I hope that you will remember me for the good I tried to do
Loving you and giving you all I could
Before being counted as one less in the world
I hope that you will understand the fate I have met
And not l
et it cloud your heart forever
Let me be a memory to guide you to find new love
Feel my thoughts with you every day and keep them safe
Keep living life like you would when I was still there
Don’t think of the place I will now call my home
Forever left to rot and long be forgotten
Remember the love I once had for you
Will withstand this rot and hell I am in now
On the pale horse
On the pale horse he rides until the birds nest on his hat
Bridle in his hands he will give his horse a little pat
Both riding to their destiny of forever dying
Horse and rider both for too much lying
With his pale horse he will ride until the world is no more
Never will they see their own blood pour
Pale together they will stay riding the eternal way
Not living or death, no one will ever be able to say
Stopping never to catch a breath as there is none
Passing along the road just another someone
On his own pale horse, searching for nothing at all
Waiting for one day to just fall
Into the darkness that is so much longed for
Not bothering to knock at the door
Stopped before going too far
Asked to turn around by a star
To once again ride the road on his pale horse
And let the afterlife takes its coarse.
Release me from the pain I have come to know each and every day
Bring me to eternity and let me say what I want to say
Release me from all the bad that the world boasts about
Let me sail forever in oblivion’s boat
Release me from the hate that has grown so big I had to take cover
Bring me to the water you promised and let me hover
Release me from the love that turned so many hearts to sand
Walk with me in the fields of light and hold my hand
Release me from the body that lets me not do what I need
Show me the place you have promised with no greed
Release me from the thoughts that I fear to show
Keep me away from the place where in the fire you must throw
Release me from the tempting sound of pulling the trigger
Let me stand innocent and not be the killer
Release me from the hope that life may be better
Repeat it and say it and write it in a letter
Release me from another day in a place so fearless
Let me not have the feeling of relentlessness
Release me from what is to happen to this world
Bring oblivion to me as around my leg it stays curled
My eyes wander over all things I used to see
Clearly the colours of life stay known to me
Blurring life as time goes by
My eyes searches for the familiar colours I used to cry
I try to hear the voices I used to know